M: 027 820 7015

Cleanfill & Hardfill Tipping

Tipping at Auckland Quarry's Yard

6 wheeler truck tipping concrete waste load in Mt Wellington
recycling yard for concrete, blocks, bricks, rock, asphalt

Access to our large Tainui Road tipping site is very easy - from a single axle trailer with domestic tips, right up to a T&T/Artic.

We accept:-

  • Clean, waste concrete free from contaminants & debris like plastic, timber, rebar, soil

  • Reinforced/Oversize Concrete (oversize is anything significantly larger than 300x300) 

  • Cleanfill and mixed fill (generally soil, rock, concrete, bricks and similar inert materials)

  • 100% cleanfill ie no levy, is virgin excavated natural material (VENM): this is natural material such as clay, gravel, sand, soil or rock fines; that: a) has been excavated or quarried from areas that are not contaminated with manufactured chemicals or process residues, as a result of industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural activities; and b) does not contain any sulfidic ores or soils or any other waste or hazardous contaminants.
    It is subject to the Waste Acceptance Criteria for Class 5 Cleanfill landfills.

  • Mixed fill ie levied, is material that goes to a managed or controlled landfill (class 3 or 4). It is predominantly clean fill and/or controlled fill material that may also contain contaminant concentrations in excess of controlled fill limits or other debris or vegetation.

  • Wet Loads

  • Slop or Vegetation only with prior approval

Management has final say on product definition.

If you are a skip bin operator, please email us for our special skip bin tipping rates:

Entry for all trucks & vehicles is from 20 Tainui Rd, St Johns
Wheel wash on exit is mandatory, thank you.

Auckland Quarry cannot accept:

General refuse/rubbish; tyres; plastic; glass; liquid waste; materials with hydrocarbons; any material with leachable, degradable, putrescible, or combustible components; hazardous waste or materials associated with hazardous waste treatment, hazardous waste stabilisation or hazardous waste disposal practices; hazardous/potentially hazardous substances including but not limited to, explosiveness, flammability, capacity to oxidise, corrosiveness, toxicity, eco-toxicity;  medical or veterinary waste; asbestos or radioactive substances; soil containing contaminants harmful to human or animal health or from industrial sites or other land use typically associated with site contamination, eg service stations, metal and timber treatment, agricultural/horticultural activities; or waste that has been rejected from a landfill.

Auckland Quarry typically uses Class 3 Managed and Class 4 Controlled landfills or Class 5 Cleanfill landfill for final disposal and is subject to the respective Waste Acceptance Criteria at these landfills.  More information is available at  WasteMINZ.

Auckland Quarry tip site rules and exclusions

Tipping material must not come from a high risk or  HAIL  site, eg petrol station, contaminated site, timber treatment yard or industrial farming sites, or contain anything that may be harmful, or contain materials classified as contaminated.

Truck Drivers:- Please complete our Waste Declaration form before tipping material


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